The Garden of Eden was paradise, created and sustained by the Word of God.
Everything was good until Man believed that God could lie and accepted a message from elsewhere with the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
This is how we became separated from God.
And, it is impossible once a fruit has been plucked for it to be reconnected.
We were hopelessly condemned to an inevitable death.
But, God.
But in the unsearchable wisdom of God, He provided a Branch who, if we believe, makes us new fruit that are grafted in.
We fell from a place, but God permanently secured us in a Person.
At His right hand are pleasures forevermore.
God has provided The Way to paradise, created and sustained by the Word of God.
Paradise is being with Him.
Being with Him begins with believing Him and then walking with Him in obedience to His example which is love.