Something that is not lost on me is how different the disciples were.
Letters attributed to Matthew, Peter and John are starkly different (yet harmonious) perspectives of the same Jesus.
A dear brother, Tim Boden, once said of the body, “It’s as if we’re all peering through a keyhole and in our sharing what we see, we get a fuller picture of Jesus.”
What sets my heart aflame is that Jesus chose these different men intentionally, purposefully and strategically! (John 15:16, 1 Corinthians 12:18)
That’s how Jesus chose you!
Oh, what a revival we’re missing because we fail to see that unity is not conformity. (1 Corinthians 12:4-7) But moreover, because we do not trust the Holy Spirit.
Oh, that we would repent and believe the Spirit that Christ gives us so the Church would be revived!