The Purpose Of Communion

Paul Luckett | - The Purpose Of Communion

What purpose did I wake up for? What am I doing today and every day?

I’m ushering people into deeper communion with God through Christ by deepening my own communion with Him: lifting Christ up through taking up my cross, the fellowship of His suffering, by enjoying God and feasting on Christ that others may enjoy the Kingdom of God and feed on Christ through me. 🍞 👑

The measure of success is not increasing the number of those who claim Christianity and talk churchy but growing the family of God who exhibit the Kingdom of God in the way they live out communion together.

This work is also counterintuitive. Because my flesh is at play, I never feel like doing it. It seldom feels enjoyable, at least initially. But, I have to exercise myself unto godliness to (1 Timothy 4:7).

I have to prayerfully resist the flesh and yield to the Holy Spirit. I have to go when I don’t want to. I have to engage, call, visit and break bread with people when I’d rather not. I have to share when it seems better to keep it. I have to show up, and keep showing up when it feels safer to maintain my distance.

These things never seem to be the remedy to a downcast spirit but they always are, when I do it for the Lord (1 Corinthians 15:58). “My food is to do the will of Him who sent me, and to finish His work.” (John 4:34) The table He’s prepared often appears in the process of obedience (Psalm 23:4-5).


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