How Work for Him Establishes Our Plans

Paul Luckett | - How Work for Him Establishes Our Plans

Proverbs 16:3,

“Commit to the Lord whatever you do,
and He will establish your plans.”

What a curious turn of phrase.

I find it interesting that the verse does not say “give your plans to Lord that He may establish them”.

Because that’s typically how we approach things, right? We plan; we set priorities and goals, then we do the work to establish those plans.

But, I find the Word of God to be true and observe something amazing.

When I do what I do for God —even when I don’t know where I’m going, He establishes my plans —He gives me what I didn’t know I wanted or needed. He gives me the truest, deepest desires of my heart —which is always some expression of Himself in various forms.

I didn’t put having a warrior of a wife, loving sons, in-laws that are blood to me, a host of delightfully different people made dear family to me through Jesus Christ, fullness, wholeness, satisfaction, joy, peace or many of the indescribably wonderful things I currently enjoy on my vision board.

But, God.

God gave them to me in the course of my trying, and often failing to follow Him, even when I didn’t know what I was really doing or where I was going.

Jesus said don’t seek after what everyone else in the world seeks after, because your Father knows what you have need of even before you ask (Matthew 6:8). And, He also knows what you want most deeply even before you do.

What I see, is that to obey with a heart committed to the Lord is to experience the kingdom. And, His Kingdom is what I want most deeply. This is my plan, though largely unknown to me, that He establishes.

“Eye has not seen, nor ear heard,
Nor have entered into the heart of man
The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”
— 1 Corinthians 2:9

It’s true.

So, my strategy is simple: love God, do what I do for Him and I cannot fail.
