Our Fights Reveal What We’re Really Seeking First

Paul Luckett | Brainflurry.com - Our Fights Reveal What We're Really Seeking First

You can tell what we are truly “seeking first” by what we fight for and what we fight against.

The world seeks commodities. (Matthew 6:32)
They fight for “all these things”: food, shelter, clothing.
They fight against losing what they perceive as theirs or against others gaining more.

The children of God seek the Kingdom. (Matthew 6:33)
They fight for communion.
They fight against what hinders communion (2 Corinthians 10:4-6): those things that work to separate the family of God, including the Father and His lost children —sheep that are not yet of this fold (John 10:16).

I must pay attention to what I get defensive about and what I fight for (James 4:1-5). It will reveal what spirit I’m really of, whether I’m of the world or whether I’m a child of God, not as a condemnation but as an opportunity for correction -so that I can repent and turn from my way, or the world’s way, to Him (James 4:6-7).

If I were seeking first the kingdom of God, I would be fighting for communion with the beloved in God through Christ.

What do the reasons I fight tell me about what I’m truly seeking first and how I need to correct course?

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