You can tell what we are truly “seeking first” by what we fight for and what we fight against.
The world seeks commodities. (Matthew 6:32)
They fight for “all these things”: food, shelter, clothing.
They fight against losing what they perceive as theirs or against others gaining more.
The children of God seek the Kingdom. (Matthew 6:33)
They fight for communion.
They fight against what hinders communion (2 Corinthians 10:4-6): those things that work to separate the family of God, including the Father and His lost children —sheep that are not yet of this fold (John 10:16).
I must pay attention to what I get defensive about and what I fight for (James 4:1-5). It will reveal what spirit I’m really of, whether I’m of the world or whether I’m a child of God, not as a condemnation but as an opportunity for correction -so that I can repent and turn from my way, or the world’s way, to Him (James 4:6-7).
If I were seeking first the kingdom of God, I would be fighting for communion with the beloved in God through Christ.
What do the reasons I fight tell me about what I’m truly seeking first and how I need to correct course?