One of many ways the love of God is different:
God’s love is not transactional, it’s relational.
When I love you with God’s love, I love you, not on the basis of what you do or even who you are, or not even because of my relationship to you, but I love you based on my relationship to God.
The beginning of love is not the appreciation of some virtue in the subject.
Love is like light. There is no virtue in the darkness that activates light. Light shines simply because that’s what light does.
The beginning of love is God. Loves does what love is. Said another way, Love does who God is.
The question is, do I have Him [love], or perhaps better said, does love [God] have me?
If so, love is just going to do what it do and there should be nothing the subject can do to stop that.
The principal thing then, is to know Love, to have Him and Him have me.
Only then am I in a position to love.
“As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you; abide in My love.”
-John 15:9