In Week 5 of 52 Weeks of Gratefulness, I give thanks to God for a co-laborer.
A man walks up to me in the gym and says, “I want you to know that I love your heart for the Lord and I want to encourage you to continue doing what you’re doing.”
We go on to talk about how we’re called to snatch each other as fellow believers out of the fire (Jude 1:23), but what stuck with me was his exhortation to do so with grace—expounding that it’s initially jarring to any of us to be faced with the prospect that we may be engaged in idolatry. “None of us wants to believe we have an idol and it takes us a second to come to terms with it.”
That man’s name was Joseph Horan. He’s a pastor at Bridgeway that I met through a men’s prayer group that goes to every school in our city and county, and prays for the teachers, staff, students and their families.
While that men’s group started with prayer, I’m delighted to testify that’s not where it’s ended. From that has sprung mentoring efforts, joint fellowship between churches, and meaningful relationships—communion. And its fruit is playing out in our interaction in the gym.
Moments after Joseph walked off, another man who overheard our conversation asked me about my faith, shared how he hasn’t been to church in years, how he wants to connect and shared his phone number.
This is The Way.
It’s the only way. And Joseph’s act of goodwill was deeply encouraging especially in our current climate. It reminded me of 1 Kings 19:18 where God said He had reserved for Himself thousands who had not bowed and who were not serving the idol of the times.
Joseph Horan reminded me that I am not alone. I am not the only one fighting for communion.
I’m grateful.