Sometimes I feel bad for being beat to hell, for being sad, and not being happy about it.
It feels like if I were just better—if I were more holy, if I were more thankful, if I were less selfish—the pain shouldn’t affect me, that I should be happy and able to carry on as though I’m not in pain.
But, I am so thankful for the moments of humanity in the Bible, especially that of Jesus,
“Now My soul is troubled, and what shall I say? ‘Father, save Me from this hour’? But for this purpose I came to this hour.
Father, glorify your name.”
— John 12:27-28
“My soul is troubled…” This is so deeply helpful to me. It, and passages like it, show me that I can register the full range of human emotions and still honor God.
The key, Jesus demonstrates, is loving God, desiring His Kingdom and concentrating on God’s glory—not allowing the feeling to make me put down my cross or cause me to deviate from the path of Calvary—dying and living again for the reconciliation of everything in my sphere.
I don’t have to be happy, but I can be honest and honor. I can carry on doing the things that are profitable for the purpose I am sent.
In that, there’s help, there’s rest, and there’s always joy.
“Father, glorify Your name.”
#sometimesithurts #buttheresalwaysjoy