52 Weeks Of Gratefulness #5 – A Co-laborer

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In Week 5 of 52 Weeks of Gratefulness, I give thanks to God for a co-laborer.

A man walks up to me in the gym and says, “I want you to know that I love your heart for the Lord and I want to encourage you to continue doing what you’re doing.”

We go on to talk about how we’re called to snatch each other as fellow believers out of the fire (Jude 1:23), but what stuck with me was his exhortation to do so with grace—expounding that it’s initially jarring to any of us to be faced with the prospect that we may be engaged in idolatry. “None of us wants to believe we have an idol and it takes us a second to come to terms with it.”

That man’s name was Joseph Horan. He’s a pastor at Bridgeway that I met through a men’s prayer group that goes to every school in our city and county, and prays for the teachers, staff, students and their families.

While that men’s group started with prayer, I’m delighted to testify that’s not where it’s ended. From that has sprung mentoring efforts, joint fellowship between churches, and meaningful relationships—communion. And its fruit is playing out in our interaction in the gym.

Moments after Joseph walked off, another man who overheard our conversation asked me about my faith, shared how he hasn’t been to church in years, how he wants to connect and shared his phone number.

This is The Way.

It’s the only way. And Joseph’s act of goodwill was deeply encouraging especially in our current climate. It reminded me of 1 Kings 19:18 where God said He had reserved for Himself thousands who had not bowed and who were not serving the idol of the times.

Joseph Horan reminded me that I am not alone. I am not the only one fighting for communion.

I’m grateful.


How To Test The Spirits

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How is it that we all go to church, we all read the Bible, but we believe, think and move so drastically different and in opposition to one another?!

Are we being exposed to truth? Was what you heard, what you saw, what you participated in “church” even of God? Did you hear a good sermon today?

Here’s how to tell.

“Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world.”
— 1 John 4:1

Holy Communion is the cipher.

False prophecy divides and excludes; it obstructs the path to communion.

Even when the message decries oppression and injustices, if there is no Way presented to reconciliation, it is not of the spirit of God. God is a redeemer.

A true witness reveals the oneness that is already there and facilitates a greater enjoyment of Holy Communion.

Did it promote the bringing together, of the saved and those who are being saved, to the Lord’s table where we receive and celebrate His redemptive and atoning work to make us One? And, did it promote overcoming whatever attempts to hinder it?

That is good. That is of God.

When we come together, it should not be about the sermon anyway. It should be about Holy Communion, where we all participate, bringing something to give.

52 Weeks Of Gratefulness #4 – A Welcome Visit

Paul Luckett | Brainflurry.com - 52 Weeks Of Gratefulness #4 - A Welcome Visit

In Week 4 of 52 Weeks of Gratefulness, I give thanks to God for a welcome visit.

Sunday night I receive a text, “Hey Uncle Paul, I was wondering if I can come over there tomorrow and we can watch the college football national championship together”

My nephew is a son to me. He is so dear to me. Of all the things he could be doing, to think he’d want to spend time with here with us…

It brings tears to my eyes, even now.

Because there’s no where I’d rather be.

I’m grateful.


Purge The Leaven

Paul Luckett | Brainflurry.com - Purge The Leaven

Christians, God hates how we’ve put politics at the center of our discourse. It is now something we have to get around to get to each other. It is an idol. It is a spot in our Love Feast. Get it out! REPENT!

How we voted for an earthly government does not inform how the Kingdom of God operates. God is sovereign.

The means (method) is as important as the ends (mission). Our attempt to achieve heavenly ends with the corrupt means of politics is one and the same as Jesus taking Satan’s offer to fall down and worship him as a way to get back “all the kingdoms of the world and their glory” in Matthew 4:9. This is NOT The Way.

You are nearing destruction. Judgment begins at the house of God.


The Kingdom Of Heaven Is At Hand

Paul Luckett | Brainflurry.com - The Kingdom Of Heaven Is At Hand

How is the one sitting on the throne of your life doing? How is that government working for you?

If you’re weary of unjust, oppressive, and ineffective government, and are yearning for a better homeland—a government of righteousness, with the peace, harmony, and wellness that results—the good news is “the kingdom of heaven is at hand”.

My previous king constantly led me to death and disappointment. He was corrupt and an unwitting vassal of another kingdom.

I’m referring to my former self.

But now, I couldn’t be more pleased with Jesus, my Savior and King.

He leads me well.

“Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place.”
– 2 Corinthians 2:14

The triumph He always leads us to is experiencing the kingdom of God more.

I commend Him to you.

Denounce your government, and defect to Christ: Repent.

Know this: it’s not easy. It is the hardest thing you will ever do.

Defection will make you an enemy of the state. It costs everything, but His kingdom is unquestionably worth it.

52 Weeks Of Gratefulness #3 – Our Sons’ Honor

Paul Luckett | Brainflurry.com - 52 Weeks Of Gratefulness #2 - Our Sons Honor

In Week 3 of 52 Weeks of Gratefulness, I give thanks to God for our sons’ honor.

This past week, we celebrated our queen’s birthday.

Without my prompting, knowledge, or involvement, our sons coordinated all the moving pieces that made for a beautiful weekend. They demonstrated attentiveness and a keen understanding of their mother by cooking meals she loved.

We talked, laughed and enjoyed each other’s company all weekend long, interspersed with delicious food lovingly prepared.

It was already a gift to have our loved ones with us, but to have them near and loving on each other as a celebration of a beloved’s life… well, there’s no greater honor.

Seeing the men our children have become, as evidenced by how they honored the first lady of their life, fills me with great joy and hope.

I’m grateful.


The Unwanted Cup

Paul Luckett | Brainflurry.com - The Unwanted Cup

Jesus was not afraid of the cross, He resolutely accepted it.

It was the cup that gave Him pause.

“He went a little farther and fell on His face, and prayed, saying, ‘O My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will.’”
— Matthew 26:39

The cup of wrath—the just penalty for all sin, incomprehensibly terrifying cosmic destruction—is poured out on a single point: the Lamb.

It is an event so massive, it reconstitutes time.

We observed the spectacle of the cross over two thousand years ago.

But, the Lamb was slain before the foundation of the world.

And, it covers sin that will be committed any number of years from now, before His return.

The penalty is necessary because the Kingdom of God is perfect.

All sin must be negated. All corruption must be purged.

The equation is balanced. The problem is solved. His accounting is perfect.

Therefore, for our debts to be forgiven, someone has to pay them.

There is but one payment for sin: death. And, it is Jesus who pays it.

Who can withstand God’s wrath? Who else could die countless deaths in an instant and still survive?

God can.

It’s why a Jesus who’s just another man who had some good things to say, won’t do.

It has to be Jesus, the only begotten Son of God (begotten meaning having the same nature as whatever begot), who pays the debt. He has to be God, because God is the only one who can.

Which brings me to my ultimate point: my sin, even though it is forgiven, is not without cost.

Every sin I commit hurts Jesus. Every sin I will commit will hurt Jesus.

He dies for my sin. Every. Single. One.

No one who truly loves Him would wantonly add to His suffering.

On this point, I begin to realize the gravity of my sin.

I love Him. The last thing I want to do is hurt Him.

Help me, O God!


52 Weeks Of Gratefulness #2 – A Walk With Mom

Paul Luckett | Brainflurry.com - 52 Weeks Of Gratefulness #2 – A Walk With Mom

In Week 2 of 52 Weeks of Gratefulness, I give thanks to God for a walk with Mom.

We took a long, nice walk in the pasture.

Mom recounted where the family garden was, how much fun she and her brothers and sisters had in the loft of the barn, where she hopes to build one day.

We capped it off by visiting with my aunts and uncles who all shared their own stories. It was a stroll back to a beautiful time with the most beautiful soul I know.

The best things in life are free.

I’m grateful.


Communion Is More Than A Meal

Paul Luckett | Brainflurry.com - Communion Is More Than A Meal

You can’t just have bits of food and call it communion.

Communion is more than a meal.

Jesus is Communion.

He is an active participant. It is not communion without Him.

We bring Him.

And we bring Him by sharing in a way that answer questions such as:

When was the last time you remember being in His presence? What did He say? What did He do? What was He like?

What part of Jesus are you bringing? His Love? His teaching? His prophecy? His wisdom? His healing? His service? His joy? (1 Corinthians 12:8-10,28 Romans 12:6-8, Galatians 5:22-23)

In addition to sharing sacrificially, we must come prepared to overcome whatever divides us to reveal His Oneness (1 Corinthians 11:17-27).

This shows forth His death until He comes (1 Corinthians 11:26).

That’s communion and is what I will make every effort to enjoy today.


Saving Faith

Paul Luckett | Brainflurry.com - Saving Faith

There is a difference between our belief and the belief that saves.

The belief that results from human effort, such as that which comes from reason, argument or because we like an idea, is not the same belief that accompanies salvation.

The belief that accompanies salvation comes from seeing a Savior. Flesh and blood cannot reveal that to you. That only happens when God does you a great kindness and decides to introduce Himself, allowing you to see Him and making Himself known.

“Jesus answered and said to him, ‘Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father who is in heaven.’”
— Matthew 16:17

You know when the belief that comes from above happens as it always results in “falling down” and repentance because you’ll really see yourself in light of the woefully obvious contrast between Him and yourself.

“So I said: ‘Woe is me, for I am undone! Because I am a man of unclean lips, And I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; For my eyes have seen the King, The LORD of hosts.’”
— Isaiah 6:5

And yet there’s another progression. Belief is not the same as faith.

Belief is a divine revelation of the Word received by a divinely prepared heart. Faith, the life that results and moves according to the Seed, is the fruit.

Life requires movement; it is the power of God, and the children of God born according to His seed is propelled by it.

“for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure.”
— Philippians 2:13

It’s all grace—the entire process from belief, to faith, to works, is God’s kindness, wisdom and working—removing any cause for boasting so the glory is His alone!

“For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.”
— Ephesians 2:8-9

If this has not happened in your life yet, this is not a condemnation but a kindness. You now know what to ask for, so you can humble yourself, ask, seek and knock (pray, read and actively wait in humility). (Luke 11:9-13)

The humility part is the most important. You can’t demand it any more than you can demand the reciprocation of a love interest. Your posture must be, ”You’re worth it Lord, as long as it takes”, because God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble. (James 4:6)

#grace #savingfaith