Being falsely arrested¹:
Being mocked and beaten by men in the temple²:
Being brutally scourged by Pilate³:
Being mocked and beaten again by Roman soldiers who pressed a crown of thorns into the flesh of His brow⁴:
Being forced to drag the beam of His cross, weighing upwards of 175 lbs (79kg), for more than 650 yards (600m)⁵:
Being nailed to a cross⁶:
Isaiah spoke rightly of Him in Isaiah 53:7 that “He was as a lamb led to the slaughter,” “He was oppressed and He was afflicted yet He opened not His mouth”.
When Jesus became sin⁷, resulting in His utter separation from God:
Then, He cried out,
“My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?”⁸
Because absolute separation from God was hell.
Do not let evil men and false prophets deceive you.
It is utter separation from God.
I can attest to this to some degree, having known life far from God, remembering the deep dredges of emptiness, restlessness and being surrounded by people but utterly alone.
This is what Jesus saved me from.
This is what Jesus suffered to save us from: separation from God.
“But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ.”
— Ephesians 2:13
Now, having experienced eternal life in God, I am whole, full and overflowing. Whenever I feel any distance from Him, it is torment and I die a little.
God is my life, and there is nothing better than being with Him.
Now, all I want is to have Him more, which He gifts **today** through His Holy Spirit and sanctification, thereby increasing my capacity to share love: Him, with my growing family in Jesus Christ.
But one day, my joy will be made full: I shall see God. I shall see for myself and My eyes shall behold, and not another. Oh, how my heart yearns within me! (Job 19:25-27)
I joyously look forward to that day where I will enjoy Him without limitation.
I do not preach to you fear of a hell with demons and horrors.
I preach salvation from a hell of being without God right now and from the prospect of such a horrible state for eternity.
We all currently live in an age of common grace: hope.
Hope that we can know God.
Hope that God provides.
He desires to be with us.
He desires that none should perish.
He is not far from any of us.
So close, yet so far away because without means to connect, God might as well be in a different universe.
But, God has provided the means. He has provided The Way and The Door in Jesus Christ.
Jesus went to great lengths to do His Father’s will: that we may be together with Him.
Hear Him.
Believe Him.
And, be saved from separation from God.
¹ Matthew 26:55
² Matthew 26:67-68
³ John 19:1
⁴ Mark 15:17-20
⁵ John 19:17
⁶ Luke 23:34
⁷ 2 Corinthians 5:21
⁸ Mark 15:34