Beloved, be careful with all the -ologies and -isms. It is easy to confuse human wisdom and philosophy for faith.
With philosophy, we can stay in our heads.
But, unlike philosophy, faith requires an other person because our faith is in a Person.
So, the principal thing is a real, dynamic relationship which is characterized by an ongoing encounter with, producing a growing understanding of, an other Person.
All the -ologies and -isms may have some utility in technically describing what happens as a result of the encounter but cannot be used for technically achieving the encounter or what happens as a result of it: knowing God and being known by Him, salvation, sanctification, intimacy, or love.
All of these things, an authentic encounter and its effects, are outworkings, responses to the Person you’re relating to —all which are out of your control. It’s grace, that flows like water that you flow with, not works like points you plot.
Jesus came so that you can know God, not so you can have ideas about Him.
“Hear Him.”
Scripture is closed, but God is still speaking. The Word, through the facilitation of the Holy Spirit, trains our ear to know His voice and to hear Him.
“So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.”
— Romans 10:17
We can really know God and have a real, living, growing relationship with Him.
It starts with humility and the Word.
Seek Him.
Not philosophy, but the person of Christ.
“But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.”
— Hebrews 11:6