The are many paths.
Only Christ leads to God.
I do not say this to assert the superiority of a religion, namely Christianity. Most who identify as Christians don’t have a clue about who Christ is. -Matthew 7:14, 21-23
The only ones who see Christ are those to whom God chooses to reveal Him. -Matthew 16:17
We can not see Him on our own. That’s humbling and it’s meant to be.
Because, “God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble.” -James 4:6
Our chief problem is we’ve been deceived to believe that we don’t need God. The enemy has blinded us through seeming material sufficiency, fake cultural harmony and outward civility while inwardly hating one another. We have a façade of peace and prosperity while our families are being ravished with war and destruction at every hand.
We appear well but are dying on the inside –whitewashed tombs.
However, if like me, you have been granted to see your brokenness, you know you are destitute and your spirit yearns for something you don’t know what to ask for (Matthew 5) and you are drawn to Jesus –not His followers, not institutions in His name, but you are drawn to the person of Jesus revealed through Holy Scripture by His Holy Spirit, you are being saved!
Therefore, cry out as the blind who desperately wants to receive sight. -Matthew 20:31
Search for Him as those who know they are dying and want to live! -Mark 5:25
Come to Christ believing He alone is the Way to God where every good and perfect thing is. -John 6:68
Revival is in three words: not what, Who.
It’s not about all the things we could or should do to improve our lives.
It’s about knowing Who life is. -John 14:6
Believe Christ and live.