We’re very religious.
But, things in our world would look drastically different if Jesus were actually on the throne of our lives. “He does all things well.” -Mark 7:37
Does my thoughts look like they’re under His control?
Does my conversation reflect His perfect counsel and life giving power?
Does the order of my affairs look like He put them in order?
Does where I take residence reflect that a righteous, just, loving King resides there through me?
Do I allow His power to flow through me to make my home, workplace and community look like the Kingdom of God is coming?
We tote our bibles, go to church, do empty deeds and speak great swelling, superfluous words while people languish in the shadow of the great buildings and giant crosses we’ve erected to ourselves.
We come to religion looking for the good life, to justify ourselves, to take our ease and kick our feet up, often on the very backs of those we’re supposed to be serving.
This is not The Way.
Repent! Come from among these unbelieving apostates because their destruction is coming. (Matthew 24:45-51)
Seek the Kingdom of God beginning with it’s King.
See Jesus. Be transformed by who He is. Then, be Him in the world.
And, do not cease to make war until His Kingdom has come to every inch of our lives.
“Love has been perfected among us in this: that we may have boldness in the day of judgment; because as He is, so are we in this world. ” -1 John 4:17
Originally posted by Paul Luckett to Facebook here.
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