I have great joy, peace and hope because Christ is in my life.
Yet, there is pain that never leaves me. It’s like gravity, a condition of this environment, always there, weighing me down.
I don’t want to,
I don’t feel like,
I don’t have the strength to,
are all ways the pain makes me feel.
But, there is strength to thrive in spite of the pain: His strength.
To enjoy it I have to accept my weakness and His power, allow it to align me, flow through me and make me flourish,
like a flower emerging from the weight of the earth, its roots still in but its bud reaching toward the sun.
Quite often, life requires more than I have. But, His grace is sufficient. (2 Corinthians 12:8-9)
There is power to overcome
I don’t want to,
I don’t feel like,
I don’t have the strength to.
There is power to go on
as a vessel of His Love.
I just have to go,
depending on Him.
Any Love, any Light, any Life that He can channel through me is eternally worth it.