Art: “God’s Fingerprint”
KJV Illuminated Fingerprint – Gold on Black (Limited Edition)
You are the things you accept as true.
When God allows you to see Jesus and you believe Him, you receive the Seed and are born again.
Jesus is the Seed and Jesus is the Word of God.
If I am born of the Seed, I am the Word of God.
Unsettling? Good. Maybe there is a heavenly confrontation with our earthly conventions. May the Kingdom of God prevail.
Heretical? Only if it’s not true –only if the fruit of the Word are not being produced in my life (Matthew 12:33). May we all desire to walk worthy of such a humanly impossible standard and live as boldly as our Lord.
I am the Word of God.
There are seminal verses such as Romans 5:8 that gave rise to my rebirth and are at the heart of who I am and my outlook on the world.
When you are born again you become a new person whose genetic code is the Word of God.
We mature by eating Jesus’ flesh and drinking His blood –that is receiving by faith the Word of God which is Jesus Christ.
You are what you eat. To be like Christ, we must consume the Word of God.
It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand it initially.
Read the Word.
Pray about it.
Ask, seek, knock and the Holy Spirit will grant you understanding.
The world is suffering because of weak and feeble, malnourished Christians.
Take. Eat. We must consume the Word of God.
A verse a day is a start but you’re not going to build any muscle that way.
A devotional can be better than nothing (depending on the devotional) but it would be best to start purely with Scripture (no filter).
Jesus said to come to Him and drink. (John 7:37)
I’d strongly recommend a Bible-only reading plan like the Discipleship Journal (aka the Navigators Reading Plan) found here:
If you’d like a study buddy, I’d be happy to start the reading plan with you. Let’s get it!
“as newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the word, that you may grow thereby”
1 Peter 2:2
Originally posted by Paul Luckett to Facebook here.
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