“When You Return To Me” – My Night Song
Some of the most beautiful words in all of Scripture are
“When you return to Me” from Luke 22:32
It demonstrates that when Jesus is keeping me, when He is my hope, no matter how miserably I fail, no matter how much I fall short,
The Son’s position toward me is fixed and He does not move -like the Sun.
His rays will prosper in the things for which He sent them.
His purposes are being achieved.
I am greatly comforted by the sheer mass of His inexhaustible love, faithfulness and grace but I am also challenged by it.
I dare not abuse this grace to do as I please, “as a cloak for vice”.
I, rather, have incentive to return to Him.
Because just as He is certain, so is His victory and glory.
The only question is, how much of it will I get to partake in and enjoy?
So, whenever I fall, as I often do, by His grace I remember where the Son is.
I put away the death of darkness and turn again to the Light to receive Life to do the very thing I was created for
“to strengthen my brethren.”
“But I have prayed for you, that your faith should not fail; and when you have returned to Me, strengthen your brethren.”
Luke 22:32
I was discouraged by my failures and shortcomings when this word came to me. In summary, “Don’t be discouraged. He won’t give up on you, ever. So, as many times as necessary, take His hand, get up and keep going, learning to walk as He walks.”