Imagine if God gave to us with the intent that we give to others, to the extent that when He comes to judge our work that is counted as a failure if we have anything still in our account!
I believe Jesus drops a truth bomb here:
Consider the Parable of the Talents (Matthew 25:14-30)
The Master gave varying amounts to three servants.
The only servant that failed was the one who still had what the Master had given.
But what about the two that succeeded?
They understood that they never owned what they were given. It was always the Master’s and they used it for His profit, not their own.
I repent!
My goal is to succeed and do likewise: to own nothing and use everything the Master gives me for His profit. And at His coming, my goal is for my account to be empty but for His house to be bursting at the seams.
The reward I seek is, “Well done good and faithful servant. Well done.”