Even when I say I’m “seeking God’s will” it can be a cop out.
I suffer from inaction sometimes and don’t move because in my flesh, my highest priority is to be safe –to avoid pain, suffering and death. I often stay put because the place I’m in seems safe enough.
Sometimes, when I say I want to know God’s (exact) will for my life, I’m often saying that what I want is a path without failure or pain.
But that is contrary to God’s will for my life.
We are conformed to the image of His Son and learn obedience through the things that we suffer. (Hebrews 5:8)
A perfect path without trial and error, is like only ever coloring by numbers when instead the Master desires to teach you to create the way He creates.
That requires my trusting the Master’s ability to teach me (heart) and my being willing to attempt to do what I currently cannot (action).
That involves striving, failure and the pain and suffering that results in.
Without the Master, we’d just make a mess.
But when we trust the Master, He redeems our foibles and failures and uses them to teach us how to make a masterpiece.
But what’s more, in His incomprehensible genius, the masterpiece He helped us create, in spite of our imperfections, is a perfect piece that He had always predestined to be part of a vastly greater and perfect design.
When we behold it, we can only help but praise, “How great thou art!”
And then, the lesson starts again.
God is not only bringing us through, He’s making us into something glorious!
“For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.” – Romans 8:18
I have suffered from inaction and didn’t move because my highest priority was to be safe –to avoid pain, suffering and death.
But, no more.
I repent.
My highest priority is to be with God.
If we have the Father’s heart or are even seeking His heart, we are exactly where we’re supposed to be.
If we are doing what is pleasing to Him or are even moving in an attempt to be obedient to what He has revealed that is pleasing to Him (through His Word), we are doing exactly what we’re supposed to do.
The primary thing is not a specific physical place (this city or that, this job or that, this opportunity or that) nor is the primary thing a certain activity (doing this thing or that) but a heart for God put into motion.
We need only to move in any direction with a heart to please Him and He will use it to get us exactly where He wants us to be.
Father, give me a heart like Jesus that is consumed with You and the fortitude like His to put it into action. In Jesus’s name. Amen.
So, I’m lifting my eyes to the Lord, and moving based on what I know of God revealed through the life of Jesus Christ, praying that the Holy Spirit will help me know Him more accurately as I consume the Word, trusting Him to take me where I’m supposed to go, to make me into who He would have me be and to use my life for His glory as part of His masterpiece.
I’m putting a heart for God in motion, however imperfect, and trusting Him with the rest.
Faith and Works