Protecting My Peace: I Have To Fight For It Every Day

Paul Luckett | - Protecting My Peace

If Jesus has given me peace, why is my soul disquieted? Why do I struggle?

The peace is there and cannot be taken away.

“Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”
— John 14:27

But, I have an adversary who attempts to obstruct it. So, I have to fight to overcome the obstruction by believing His Word.

“Why are you cast down, O my soul?
And why are you disquieted within me?
Hope in God;
For I shall yet praise Him,
The help of my countenance and my God.”
— Psalm 42:11

We have an adversary who is an obstructionist that incessantly tries to block God’s gifts to us.

But, we have weapons to tear down obstructions.

“For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ”
— 2 Corinthians 10:4-5

We have to fight for what’s ours every day.


Paul Luckett | - Peace

Peace is not the absence of difficulty.

Peace is stability in the midst of it.

We can have peace because of the soundness of our vessel and confidence in the Captain.

Jesus is the ark.
Jesus is the Captain.

Everyone in Him has eternal life. We will never sink.
He will not lose one soul for everyone who trusts Him to guide them through this life.

From the moment we’re saved out of the waters of the shadow of death, separation from God, and accept His salvation, we enter His ship, we enter Life.

Where are we going in His ship? More abundant Life —deeper intimacy with God (John 17:3).

We’re going from Life to Life.

Nevertheless, the storms continue to rage.

But, since the day I met Him, I have never again been at risk of dying. I have inextinguishable life now, no matter how hard things get, because I am no longer separated from God.

My soul is anchored.

So, even while life can be difficult.

I have peace.

A Quiet Mind: The Medium Of God’s Revelation

Paul Luckett | - A Quiet Mind: The Medium Of God's Revelation

In silence, on the still waters of a quieted mind, is most often where the Seed of the Word of God unfurls, after it has been received, to bring forth life in the time and space of our hearts.

“The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep.

And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.

Then God said, ‘Let there be light’; and there was light.”
—Genesis 1:2‭-‬3

“For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.”
—2 Corinthians 4:6

We need silence.

Jesus sought it.

“Now in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, He went out and departed to a solitary place; and there He prayed.”
—Mark 1:35

So, should we.

Silence is the time and space that we reserve and consecrate for God, where God is invited, that when He comes, His glory may fill the temple of our bodies.

God shouts before sinners, to whom His Word thunders, who perceive sound yet cannot discern its meaning, deafened by the futile busyness of life and the worthless affections of their hearts.

But, He whispers to His saints.

“‘Father, glorify Your name.’

Then a voice came from heaven, saying, ‘I have both glorified it and will glorify it again.’

Therefore the people who stood by and heard it said that it had thundered.

Others said, ‘An angel has spoken to Him.'”
—John 12:28‭-‬29

“And behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind tore into the mountains and broke the rocks in pieces before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind; and after the wind an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake; and after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice.”
—1 Kings 19:11‭-‬12

“Behold! My Servant whom I have chosen,

My Beloved in whom My soul is well pleased!

I will put My Spirit upon Him, And He will declare justice to the Gentiles.

He will not quarrel nor cry out, Nor will anyone hear His voice in the streets.”
—Matthew 12:18‭-‬19

Some are going to a house of God today with a real and eager expectation to meet God and to hear from Him. I am too, if the Lord allows.

My encouragement to you is not to think this is fulfilled simply by attending a service.

Seek His Word, “take heed”, keep it securely, then go and take it with you to a sacred place just for you and God, to spend quality time, to ponder it and allow His Word to expand on the still waters of your mind that life may burst forth from your heart.

Not just an hour on Sunday, but as much quiet time as you can offer.

“But this I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.”
—2 Corinthians 9:6

“He who continually goes forth weeping, Bearing seed for sowing, Shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, Bringing his sheaves with him.”
—Psalms 126:6

Be still, seek God, make room for Him, and hear the still small voice of God.

The Peculiar Prescription For My Peace

Paul Luckett | - The Peculiar Prescription For My Peace

I was in trouble and Jesus rescued me.

He lifted me out of despair and set my feet on solid ground.

For more than a year now, Jesus has been turning my world upside down, teaching me the things that make for my peace.

Jesus has been teaching me to secure me, the things that make for my peace;

The more I give away, the more I have.
The less I possess, the more I can rest in Him.

“Forsake all and follow Me,” is not only the price of discipleship, it is the prescription for my peace.

The False Doctrine Of ‘I Earned It’

Paul Luckett | - Evil Eye

We feel justified living in luxury while people around us languish because “I earned it”.

We have made it a doctrine and enshrined it in our self-made American Judeo-Christian religion.

But, Jesus does not share our American ideals of capitalism.

If we belong to Christ we do not “work for money” or ourselves. We serve the Lord, so we regard money and prosperity differently.

The goal of gaining more is not to eat more.

The goal of gaining more is so that everybody eats.

Consider Matthew 20:10-15:

“But when the first came, they supposed that they would receive more; and they likewise received each a denarius.

“And when they had received it, they complained against the landowner, “saying,

‘These last men have worked only one hour, and you made them equal to us who have borne the burden and the heat of the day.’

“But he answered one of them and said,‘Friend, I am doing you no wrong. Did you not agree with me for a denarius?

‘Take what is yours and go your way. I wish to give to this last man the same as to you.

‘Is it not lawful for me to do what I wish with my own things? Or is your eye evil because I am good?’
— Matthew 20:10-15

Note that the landowner didn’t just go find workers, he sought people who didn’t have work.

This is in keeping with the point that Jesus is making about the Kingdom of Heaven: we all were without means of earning a living (eternal life) but I choose you and gave you that opportunity, and My heart was that everybody could live (good eye) while your heart was to have more than others (evil eye).

Being born again includes being given a new heart that looks at everything, including money with new eyes.

It is errant to save up treasure for yourself. See Luke 12:19-21

Because I’ve worked for it does not mean I can do with it whatever I please. I am the Lord’s.

Our approach to money and the power He’s given us to get wealth (Deuteronomy 8:18) should be seen as resources made available to take care of our Lord’s house and our fellow servants. See Matthew 25:44-51

Repent, with me.

This is an excerpt from one of three areas (identity, treasure, purpose) where the Lord is challenging lies I’ve embraced that hinder my receiving the “true riches”, and where He’s imparting to me the “things that make for my peace”.

#trueriches #money #thethingsthatmakeformypeace

52 Weeks of Gratefulness #14 – A Special Day

Paul Luckett | - 52 Weeks of Gratefulness #14 – A Special Day
Paul Luckett | - 52 Weeks of Gratefulness #14 – A Special Day
Paul Luckett | - 52 Weeks of Gratefulness #14 – A Special Day
Paul Luckett | - 52 Weeks of Gratefulness #14 – A Special Day

In Week 14 of 52 Weeks of gratefulness I give thanks for a day.

On this particular day I start my day at 6:30 AM at a bible study being held in the equipment bay of a local construction company. I’m there because I was invited by a brother that I had met at a men’s lunch held at New Horizons because I was invited by another brother who I met because… and it goes on and on.

Then, at 7:45 AM I join a men’s prayer group for our schools that I became a part of because a brother that I met at… I’m sure you’re detecting a pattern.

I could go on and on about the various functions I’ve participated in with these men. I’ve done bible studies with these men. I’ve preached with these men. I’ve volunteered, worked, sweated and bled beside these men. But, today hit me differently.

Earlier this morning, Good Friday, April 07, 2023, I participated in an event called the Stations of The Cross, jointly observed by Catholics, Protestants and people of every denominational stripes where we walked through town carrying a cross to symbolize the Via Dolorosa or Way of Sorrow.

The weather was perfect for it, overcast, gloomy and raining.

It concluded powerfully with these closing words,

“Lord Jesus Christ, your passion and death is the sacrifice that unites earth and heaven and reconciles all people to you. May we who have faithfully reflected on these mysteries follow in your steps and so come to share your glory in heaven where you live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit one God, for ever and ever. Amen.”

Then we sat quietly solemn, the cross in the backdrop, the silence only broken by the ongoing but irregular sound of heavy rain drops upon the earth and on our heads -like tears from heaven.

Then this afternoon, I attended the Seven Last Sayings of Jesus at Mt. Peiler Missionary Baptist Church. There were congregants from different churches all across our city, as pastors and ministers from these varying fellowships expounded on the last words our Savior uttered while on the cross.

Many of these preachers were brought together because of the events and initiatives that I mentioned earlier. We sang together. We worshipped together. And, because of these men, people from their different churches were brought together too.

My point is this: what started as simply coming together for a meal or for prayer for our schools has resulted in us increasing our presence in each others lives.

God is doing something.

And, we’re just getting started.

My heart burns.

So, I’m thankful for a day that made all that possible. That day was the cross.

“For it pleased the Father that in Him all the fullness should dwell, and by Him to reconcile all things to Himself, by Him, whether things on earth or things in heaven, having made peace through the blood of His cross.” Colossians 1:19–20.

I’m grateful. #52WoG

The Source Of My Peace

Paul Luckett | Where My Peace Comes From

A couple of nights ago while in bed, I heard the winds howl and the rain beat outside, but I slept in perfect peace because, though the dangers outside were real, my house was secure. I remember when this was not the case.
I have had a lot of sleepless nights, moments in my life where I didn’t have peace because my peace was centered on something unstable: being accepted by people, being loved by my spouse, being liked by my children, by the sense of value I was provided by a certain lifestyle, by the security I got from how well things were going in my business or how much money I had in the bank, etc. – it was all so tenuous and uncertain.
But, I’m so glad to say that I finally have lasting peace.
This peace is built on the unchanging truth that good, meaning and satisfaction is in God alone. They do not exist anywhere else, only their deceptive, fleeting counterfeits.
I have these riches through the acceptance of His Son, Jesus. He ministers them to me through the Spirit and His Word.
I know and experience it most fully by allowing His ministry to flow through me toward others.
So, if I were to have everything else and not Him, it would be loss. If I were to lose everything else and have Him, it would be gain because He is an exceedingly greater treasure, making everything else worthless by comparison.
God is Good. Jesus loves me with an unfailing Love. So, good is always drawing near to me. I accept His love and I love Him. So, not only do I have Good and can never lose it, but I can also be part of it: a part of goodness, a part of beautiful, unfailing Love, a part of light in the world!
There is nothing more good, meaningful and satisfying than this. This is what my peace is built on and no matter how turbulent and difficult things get around me, I can rest assured.
God loves you too. The peace comes from understanding the height, width and depth of that Love (Jesus) and accepting it.

What The Storm Taught Me About Jesus

Stormy Sea

“Why are you so fearful? How is it that you have no faith?”

These words of Jesus recorded in Mark 4:40 always perplexed me. What do you mean, “Why am I so fearful?!” We’re in the middle of a deadly storm! (Mark 4:37) Don’t you feel the ship being tossed violently about? Don’t you see that the ship is filling with water and that we’re about to sink?! What does faith have to do with anything? This is not a matter of attitude or perspective. This threat is not spiritual. The danger is real! So, what do you mean, “Why am I so fearful?!”

The questions seemed absurd. That is, until I had to face a storm of my own.

Like the storm in Mark 4:37, mine came upon me suddenly, unexpectedly and violently. In one great swell the waters crashed on my life, threatening to tear everything apart. After barely surviving its impact, I was then hammered with wave, after wave, after wave. I lived in constant fear of the blow that would finally end it all. This went on for years.

But, Jesus was in the boat the whole time.

I was so focused on the storm, I lost sight of who He was. And, I didn’t realize the effect that Jesus was having just being there. While He seemed to me to be “sleeping”, He was the reason I had not perished. It was His presence, and not all the things I was clinging to, that was preserving me and providing for my need. What I see now, that I didn’t see then, is that He had angels encamped all around us -real people, who ministered to my real needs. As I reflect on those years, I clearly see people God sent that provided precisely what I needed both spiritually and materially in their due seasons. Why? Not because of what I had done, but because of who I was with. I was with Jesus –Jesus, the Christ, the Son of God who was sent according to the love of God for this very purpose: that those who believe in Him would not perish but have life everlasting.

That last part –Jesus, the Christ, the Son of God.

This view of Jesus as God incarnate is what I believed or at least conceptually understood at some point, but lost sight of. And this is why, I believe, that Jesus asks, “Why are you so fearful? How is it that you have no faith?” Because, if I am with Christ in the boat, do I really believe the Christ will perish? Do I really believe that He will fail to do what He came to do? Do I really believe that any promise made concerning Him will go unfulfilled? Oh Father, grant me the faith of Abraham who believed so steadfastly on your Promise because he believed God to be so faithful that He’d never go back on His word and believed God to be so powerful, that He could raise the son of Promise from the dead. (Genesis 22:1-14; Hebrews 11:19) Lord, help me to see You and to allow the reality of who You are to loom larger than the reality that I’m wrestling with!

When I believe Jesus, my hope and expectation is in the furtherance of His purposes: reconciling creation to Himself and the full coming of His kingdom. This, by faith, becomes the desire of my heart that I can be fully assured that God will give to me. (Psalm 37:4) Furthermore, if He can command even the storm, I can have confidence that nothing concerning me is beyond His control. If I live, He is in control. He has work for me and as I walk in it, no storm, no circumstance, no power in Hell -nothing can prevent it. If I die, He is in control. I can depart knowing that He is faithful to finish the work He began and that nothing that I have committed to Him will be in vain. So, whether in life or death, He is in control, His purposes will prevail, He will be glorified and my desire in Him will not fail.

As I look back from the other side of the storm, I see that the whole time I spent being anxious, frantically flailing about, I could have been resting confidently with Jesus.

Consider The Lilies Of The Field | Lilies Of The Field

Worry is more than a momentary thought about an issue of concern.

Worry is an emotional state that is a response to a perceived existential threat.

We typically do not worry about our car breaking down. What we do worry about is how the car breaking down may affect our ability to get to work, to earn a livelihood so that we can secure food, clothing or shelter. So in this example, the real worry is not about the car but the underlying perceived threat to our physical well-being.

There are a number of aspects to our well-being besides physical, such as emotional and social. As such, there are a seemingly limitless combination of things we can worry about. But, whatever aspect of our well-being is giving rise to unrest and anxiety in our lives, Jesus has a prescription.

I, for one, have been wrestling with my sense of self worth. We live under a constant barrage of messages that aim to assess and ascribe our value. The use of terms such as “net worth” and the practice of placing value on human lives based on how much stuff they’ve been able to amass or how many people the are able to control is the cornerstone of our culture. I therefore find myself assessing my own value based on such trivial things as how much money I make, how may followers I have or how much engagement I have on a social media post.

Sure it would feel good to shed ourselves of these measures of value, but we live in the real word and value is a real thing, so can something have worth if others do not value it?

Absolutely. We know that even apart from the wisdom of scripture. How many songs do we have about things and people we didn’t appreciate until they’re gone?

But, Jesus reveals a higher truth. He says, “Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin…” (Matthew 6:28). God’s creation blooms and blossoms, they give their fruit in season without the slightest care about your acknowledgment or approval.

Now imagine how duplicitous a thing would be if its characteristics were to change based on who’s watching or how many approve. What if that thing were basing its actions on how much applause it would get? This is the way of the world and is fertile soil for double-mindedness and hypocrisy.

As for the lilies of the field -God’s creation, it matters not whether you appreciate them or enjoy their fruit. It simply does what it is in obedience to its creator.

Therefore, my prayer is,

Lord, help me to be like the lilies of Your field, a tree in Your garden, a branch of Your Vine -Your creation. Help me to bear fruit according to the incorruptible seed, the image of Your Son -the implanted Word. Help me to do the good I was created to do regardless if anyone notices.

Jesus concluded His exhortation about how we should handle worry with an affirmation: if God shows such care for the grass of the field and the birds of the air, what does that mean about you? You are beautiful, even more so than a lily arrayed finer than the richest man in the world. You are valuable, even more so than many birds.  You are of great value to God. (Luke 12:7)

The key to overcoming worry and securing our peace is opting out of the world’s value system and taking up God’s (seeking His approach and government i.e. ‘the kingdom of God’ Matthew 6:33). Rather than “net worth”, Jesus must be the chief cornerstone in our lives upon which all value and truth are built.

The truth is: you and I are valuable whether anyone sees us or not. In fact, you are most you when you believe no one sees. So, I say to my soul and yours: Whether seen or unseen let us be what God created: blessings; loving caretakers of creation and our fellow man (Ephesians 2:10). Our life and value in Christ are secure. There is no need to worry.