“Here,” my grandmother said as she cupped my left hand and took a tomato from the sill and put it in my right hand.
Then she sprinkled salt from a shaker in my cupped hand. She asked, “Want some pepper?” I shook my head, “No.”
“Bite your tomato and dip it in the salt”, she coached.
It tasted like their home on the farm smelled, of the earth, pure and sweet.
I went outside, sat on the stoop and ate my newfound treat in awe.
In week 20 of 52 Weeks of Gratefulness, I give thanks for a tomato and salt.
Something so simple is so profound.
It was like I could taste the entire farm: the sunshine and the rain, the dirt and the breeze, the sweat and the love that cultivated it.
My grandfather Percy Brown and my grandmother Sarah Brown built a home blanketed in love.
When you were there, it was at every turn and around every corner. Even the animals seemed to recognize it.
I have so many wonderful memories on that farm in Canton, Mississippi. There was great peace and so much love.
I have such a rich heritage.
I remember it every time I bite into a tomato.
I’m grateful.
Image copyright 2008 Daniel E. Johnson – crossroadone.com