Photo Courtesy of Ronnie Dankelman – Flickr
Salvation requires pinhole accuracy. Get it wrong and we die.
Jesus is the Good Shepherd who is leading us to a place that requires unimaginable skill as a shepherd and leader to get us to.
He alone can lead us to this place: ¹
the only place where there is good pasture and life, ²
the place that if we don’t get to, we will perish. ³
It is through a Door that requires pinhole accuracy to navigate to.
That Door is Jesus, Himself. ²
The Door is not broad through which anything and everything can fit. ⁴
Rather the Door is very narrow. ⁴
There is an incredibly specific Jesus we must go through.
It’s not the Jesus of how we think He would be, or the one that we want Him to be, or the one of our politics, but it is the real Jesus that came in the flesh, who died for our sin, who was raised from the dead and now lives before God forevermore. ⁵
Finding that Door, let alone getting through it is impossible, it’s like getting a camel through the eye of a needle. ⁶
But, “The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.” – Luke 18:27
The kingdom of God is at hand. Humble yourself. Repent and plead to God to help you. Expose yourself to His Word.
If He grants you ears to hear, the Chief Shepherd will appear.
Follow Him, alone. ⁷
He will get you there. ⁸
As a pastor, I am merely an under-shepherd and my one job is to keep your eyes on the Good Shepherd and direct you in His path. ⁹
Follow Jesus, alone. ⁷
He, alone, will get you there. ⁸
¹ John 10:7-8, Acts 4:12
² John 10:9
³ John 3:16-19
⁴ Matthew 7:14, Luke 14:13
⁵ Revelation 1:18
⁶ Luke 18:25, Matthew 16:17
⁷ Matthew 23:10
⁸ John 10:27-30
⁹ 1 Corinthians 11:1