For the first time in 20+ years of preaching, I am not at all nervous about preaching.
It has been revealed to me that I’m unnecessarily complicating it –trying to perform, to prove and impress. I repent.
The essence of preaching is found in John 21:15-19 when Jesus asks Peter, “Do you love me?” Jesus then follows up with what the product should be if we love Him, “Feed my sheep. Tend my sheep. Feed my sheep.”
Preaching is simply sharing the Father’s Love with those He loves.
Preaching, like every ministry is simply giving what I received to those the Lord loves –Love that will develop them (feed them), keep them in good shape and safe places (tend them) and grow them (feed them).
At any given moment, without preparation, I can speak fluidly to my children about my love for them or even their Mom’s love for them. Because I know our heart.
Preaching is no different.
“For what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so no one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God.” – 1 Corinthians 2:11
I believe I have the Spirit of God.
And I believe His Spirit has shared with me His heart for His beloved through the revelation of Scripture activated and made real in my life through faith in Jesus Christ and obedience (however imperfect) to Him. All I am doing, all I should be doing, is sharing that.
Preparation is the same as preaching. It’s seeking and walking with the Lord.
The aim of my preaching is to present to the Lord, the Chief Shepherd, plump (well-developed), healthy, and clean (undefiled) skipping (full of joy) little lambs.
Which I will do if the Spirit permits.
Please pray for me and for everyone seeking to share the heart of God through preaching Christ and Him crucified.