Peace is not the absence of difficulty.
Peace is stability in the midst of it.
We can have peace because of the soundness of our vessel and confidence in the Captain.
Jesus is the ark.
Jesus is the Captain.
Everyone in Him has eternal life. We will never sink.
He will not lose one soul for everyone who trusts Him to guide them through this life.
From the moment we’re saved out of the waters of the shadow of death, separation from God, and accept His salvation, we enter His ship, we enter Life.
Where are we going in His ship? More abundant Life —deeper intimacy with God (John 17:3).
We’re going from Life to Life.
Nevertheless, the storms continue to rage.
But, since the day I met Him, I have never again been at risk of dying. I have inextinguishable life now, no matter how hard things get, because I am no longer separated from God.
My soul is anchored.
So, even while life can be difficult.
I have peace.