Only Animals

Paul Luckett | Only Animals

We are basically primates competing for food, territory and resources to reproduce.

Our sophistication is only an illusion. Without any higher view, we are no more than base animals.

As base animals, all that we do, such as organize into groups, and all that we create, such as systems of government, are in service to the aforementioned.

So, if your group didn’t create the system you find yourself confronted with, you’re in the group being competed against.

There are ultimately only two logical outcomes: recognize how our interests are better served by becoming a larger group or seek to eliminate the other group.

I am concerned that our thinking has devolved too low to achieve the former, ironic given that we are in an age where information has never been more accessible but we lack knowledge, and I wonder if we are too far removed from the reality and horrors of war to avoid the latter.

If only there were leaders that could lead us to avert disaster and guide us to avoid the path of destruction.

If only there was a Person with a higher view who provided us an Example and taught His children to govern with knowledge, wisdom and equity so that the whole world; not only all peoples but all of creation was cared for and well.

If only God were real and there were such a thing as sons of God.

“For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God. For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it in hope; because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God.”
Romans 8:19‭-‬21

We have fallen well short of our calling.

Repent. With me.

Originally posted by Paul Luckett to Facebook here.

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