Something we Christians do a lot, is we “help at” people which is not the same as helping people.
We give food baskets to the blind man and buy glasses for the lame, when that’s not their primary issue.
We want to do what we want to do, just to say we’ve done something rather than what they need done.
Jesus is Immanuel, “God with us”.
To help someone, we have to start with where they are and what they’re doing. We have to be with them. We have to expose ourselves long enough to SEE THEM, to see who they’d be, what they’d have and what they could do if the kingdom were to come to their life.
Then, we could come alongside them to help them walk in that reality.
We help people by first elevating our view, elevating their view and then elevating their circumstances to match that as it is in heaven.
We should be satisfied with nothing less.
That’s help.
#help #service #ministry