An Unworldly Kingdom

Paul Luckett | An Unworldly Kingdom
kind of kingdom is this where the King kneels before His subjects and serves them? (John 13:1-17)
Its implications are staggering, among which is this:
No one in His kingdom is without care, honor or substance because our status in this kingdom does not come from how much you’ve got but how much you give.
That’s a kingdom I’d gladly give everything to.
That’s a kingdom I’d gladly die for.
It’s vastly superior to every human attempt at government.
Our marriages, our homes and the church should be a glorious demonstration of it.
Imagine the effect if everywhere that we have authority or influence were a demonstration of His kingdom. Glory! This is what I’m pressing into. We fall woefully short as believers but there is grace and power to fulfill our ministry.
Repent, the kingdom of heaven is as hand.

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