Ripples in my heart from John 6:16-21:
Life is wonderful but it can also be hard –not just the certain moments of pain or difficulty but just as much the daily grind.
The tide of life can make me feel like I’m walking in water, moving in place and not getting anywhere.
I often find myself at such times toiling and struggling on my own to get out of that place and to somewhere I think would be better –where the next thing is, maybe where I think I’ll find provision, accomplishment, fulfillment or security.
But whenever Jesus gets in the boat, I’m already where I’m supposed to be.
“I’ll be happy when I get there” is a constant and deadly temptation in our world. Deadly because it blinds me to all I have to enjoy at any given time –even in the midst of difficulty. That blindness renders it (God’s blessings: family, friendships, fellowship, opportunities, etc.) dead, as though it did not exist.
I must therefore be careful to remember that it is not about being happy when I get there, but being completely satisfied with God wherever I am.
Because He is the life: a good Father who constantly unfolds the wonders of His creation before Me, who every second seeks to teach me how to rule and to be as He is –as a faithful husband, a loving parent, a life giving spirit, a wise and skillful creator, a righteous ruler, a good steward and just protector of His creation.
He uses every circumstance to allow me to explore Him, to practice what I learn, to grow in His Spirit, in strength and in wisdom, and He graciously gives me opportunity to have a hand in His works, to do what He does, that I may learn to be as He is. It’s a tremendous thing and it’s often hard. But the difficulty we endure is nothing compared to the outcome.
The point is there is never a need to be afraid about where I am now or anxious to get to the next thing because He is with me and He is the point.
So, whatever the circumstance, wherever I find myself, I should be asking,
How can I enjoy Him?
What is He showing me?
What is He teaching me?
What is there to learn about Him?
How can I use wherever I am and whatever I have to put into practice what I know of Him, to do His will, to glorify Him, to help others enjoy Him?
How can I please Him?
These are the type of questions that lead to soul satisfaction and peace, because in Him is where every good and perfect thing is. (I’m not talking about money but the true riches.)
And, all the answers are readily available when I receive Jesus in the boat.
My aim is to focus on always abiding with Him and the joy that comes with that.
Peace be unto you.