If I’m accepted and loved on the basis of my appearance, then I’m doomed to abandonment –we all are, eventually.
That is why I am so glad that Someone loved me on the basis of who God is rather than who I am.
That Someone loved me on the basis of God’s character which is sure and never changes, and that Someone therefore chooses to love me simply because He (God) is resolved to.
There is nowhere more safe or more certain than that.
Being a recipient of such great a love, I want and strive to love like that.
This love is needed and applies to every relationship in every sphere, but here’s a practical example of how it plays out at home and in my marriage.
My wife will occasionally ask me, “Why do you love me?”
My response is always the same.
“Because you’re mine to love.”
Jesus taught me that.
“But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” -Romans 5:8
“As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you; abide in My love.” -John 15:9
True love requires knowing God.
Knowing God requires knowing Jesus.
Knowing Jesus requires believing what the Holy Spirit revealed about Jesus.
Believing what the Holy Spirit revealed requires receiving what He’s given: Holy Scripture.
Read the Bible seeking.
Believe Jesus.