Often the problem with our witness as Christians is that we don't love the people we're witnessing to.
Don't tell me how far you went to serve someone (and left them). Tell me how close you brought them into your life.
Love draws near.
— Paul Luckett (@brainflurry) October 27, 2022
Often the problem with our witness as Christians is that we don’t love the people we’re witnessing to.
My wife shared with me how as she and our son were leaving Walmart they were approached by two people saying, “What church do you attend?” And, after saying a bit more they handed her a flyer and invited them to their church.
She called me immediately after and said, “I guess they were well meaning, but why does it bother me so bad?”
I submit because there was no love.
Part of love is honor. And, honor is an acknowledgement of worth.
The spirit of this particular approach my wife experienced was, “You lack something that you need me to give to you.” It’s presumptuous, accusatory and dishonoring.
Now what would this encounter look like if it were someone I actually honored? What if it were Warren Buffett or Jeff Bezos I were talking to?
Now if this were Warren Buffett of Jeff Bezos, my approach would be one of honor and accommodation. I’d go to them rather than expect them to come to me. I’d clear my calendar and would make room for them whenever they could grace me with their presence in hope of just being in their company and getting some small shred of insight into how I might attain the wealth that they have.
For believers Jesus is our treasure. Ephesians 4:8 says “When He ascended on high, He led captivity captive, and gave gifts to men”. He distributed this heavenly wealth as precious expressions of His person to the redeemed, giving to some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors, some teachers… (Ephesians 4:11-12)
The point being that there’s a potential of some insight into the unsearchable riches of Christ available through every person you meet that you won’t get any other way! Oh, what tremendous value and worth that person represents!
It would transform our ministry if we approached people in excited anticipation of what glimpse of Christ we may glean through them.
But first, we have to address that our values are misplaced and repent. A lack of honor is a dead give-away that we perceive a person lacks worth.
Jesus said our treasure should not be on earth but that when we value what He value and honor those He loves with even a cup of cold water, we’ll have treasure in heaven. Jesus thought that person you are talking to at any given moment was worth the cross.
Engage accordingly.
Honor all people. (1 Peter 2:17)
And for the record, I’m also preaching to me.