In week 3 of 52 Weeks of Gratefulness, I give thanks to God for a son and an eternal brother.
Marriage by the law gained me someone as dear as a son to me, my nephew, Devin Mabry, the son of my sister-in-law Gloria Harris.
Marriage to Christ by faith through the covenant of His blood has gained me a beloved and eternal brother, because Devin is now the son of God, the Father of our Lord and elder brother Jesus Christ.
He was just baptized.
Another brother, Jimmy Gant, said during a gathering, that the only thing you can take from this life to heaven is your loved ones.
I cannot express the deep gladness I have in knowing I will have someone so dear to me as Devin Mabry in this life and in the one to come.
Such joy is in my heart, pressed down, shaken together and running over.
Welcome, brother Devin.
I’m grateful.