Faith Is To Go Before

Paul Luckett | - Faith Is To Go Before

So much of faith is
going in spite of,
in spite of my desire,
in spite of my instinct

My INSTINCT IS to wait on God to provide then GO WHEN the path is clear

When FAITH IS to GO BEFORE the path is clear and watch God provide in the process

Faith is to go in the direction of God’s will before it makes sense

to go before I see it,
to go before I’m ready,
to go before I think I can,
to go before I’ve figured it out,
to go before others understand,
to go when I don’t want to,
to go before I feel like it,
to go before it’s easy,

to go believing God (God’s way is better than my way),
to go seeking His will,
to go forsaking my will (until His will becomes my will),
to go making all I am and all I have available for His purposes,
to go trusting Him to achieve His purposes (with all things, including what I’ve given to Him) –even if I don’t live to see it

Faith is to go, believing God, that He is good, His Way is good and that He wins.

Joy is the evidence of my confidence.


We Get To Fight

Paul Luckett | - We Get To Fight

God merely needs to think it,
the war would be won,
His kingdom established.

But God has ordained the struggle,
He is giving us an opportunity to fight,
to grant us a part in His kingdom.

As descendants of the second Adam, proven by war, we will not sell our birthright and just hand over what we’ve fought for unlike what the first Adam did with a kingdom that was just given.

God gives us the ability to take it
and keep it.

I don’t have to fight.
I get to.

“Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.”
-Luke 12:32

How I Experience God

Paul Luckett | - How I Experience God

God is different.

So, we experience Him differently, not the way we experience things in the world.

He is not material that can be perceived with the five senses.
God is spirit.

How do I explain this Spirit?
To what do I liken Him?
It’s like explaining color to sound, when vibration is all it has known.

Experiencing God is knowing, but much more than that.
More like the fellowship of knowing, yet even much more.

I don’t feel God in a physical or chemical sense, primarily.
However, knowing does very often elicit very real and intense feelings.

I experience God primarily, purely and most powerfully by knowing and being known.

Cause precedes effect.

Everything begins with God making Himself known.

When I receive what He reveals about Himself, He gives me Himself and then reveals some more.

At times, we disagree and He helps me see where I am wrong.

I have a real, living, growing relationship with a real, living God.

One of the evidences of the reality of this relationship is that it’s changing me in ways I could not have imagined.

This is how I experience God.

Knowing and being known.

Knowledge of Him that perfects me.



-1 Corinthians 13:8-12,

“Love never fails.

But whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away.

For we know in part and we prophesy in part.

But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away.

When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face.

Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known.”

52 Weeks of Gratefulness #5 – A Wife

Paul Luckett | - 52 Weeks of Gratefulness #5 – A Wife

In week 5 of 52 Weeks of Gratefulness, I give thanks for a wife.

“This is my Son, in whom I am well pleased,” is what God says of Jesus. That leaves me in awe. To receive such an affirmation from the God of the universe, I can’t imagine it. There is nothing I’d like more than to know God is pleased with me.

He has.

Because of His pleasure in and love for His Son Jesus, who was obedient to death, God gives Him a people.

He gives me a wife.

I find that the more like His Son that He makes me, the more obedient I become, the more of her I get.

Words fail me to express all that my wife is to me.

My very being aches for her. I so adore her.

She catches me staring at times because I can scarcely believe it.

I examine her, every inch of her, the way one might examine an unbelievable treasure.

She is an indescribable gift that leaves me in awe.

“He who finds a wife finds a good thing, And obtains favor from the Lord.” – Proverbs 18:22

I’m thankful.
